Friday, October 22, 2010

C.R.A.Z.Y.N.E.S.S. S.Y.N.C.H.R.O.

Yeapp,first time to have a totally crazy exam's time table. Before I mourn,just want to thank god that Im not taking any major,yet.I heard all my senior said: I'm worst than you,I got many major killer subjects waiting me,all in a week ,no rest day,no study week. >.<

      HELL NO ! I still have approximately 50 hours+ to my 1st paper : microeconomics,yet I havent touch a damn shit of it,not even a page of NOTE. Oh god ,I "LOVE" it so much.One little hope,dont want to fail it cz I FAILED MANY TIMES during my matriculation last year and I'm still having trauma towards that ^&%* subject...Ya..Along with another &^%%^@ subject ,that is mathematics.Yeah,so sorry to say if you are expert on it,Im HELL NOT..I struggle alot during matriculation just to pass it...Now in university I already RUN from it...These two subjects are my killer subjects.What u do when u face a killer ?? RUN~~~~

     Bla~~ whatever,guess I crazy already,not even started to do revision,I had turn to a overlighted bulb--filament burn off .

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